Benefits of acupuncture and Chinese herbs for PCOS
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs helps women have a baby
- Chinese medicine improves pregnancy rate in women with PCOS
- Acupuncture regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces a woman's BMI and Luteal Hormone levels thereby improving PCOS
- Acupuncture regulates ovulation
- Acupuncture increases pregnancy rate in women with PCOS undergoing IVF
- Acupuncture regulates fertility hormones without side effects
- Acupuncture improves sensitivity to insulin in females with PCOS
- Wen Jing Tang improves PCOS
- Acupuncture exerts long lasting benefits in women with PCOS
- Acupuncture increases blood flow to the uterus in females with PCOS
- Acupuncture helps with weight loss than just dieting alone
- Acupuncture better than exercise for women with PCOS
- Chinese herbs reduce testosterone levels and induce ovulation
- Acupuncture therapies better than Western medicine in achieving pregnancy