About Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto
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1. About me
I am a renowned expert in the field of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in the UK with over 24 years of clinical experience. Even before finishing my five year, full time medical degree in China, my dissertation was published in a leading peer review medical journal.
After graduating, I stayed on in China to learn advanced acupuncture form the leading acupuncture expert in Beijing, Dr Bai. Shortly afterwards, I became the editor of the online journal Chinese Medicine Times for eight years. During that time, I continued to write medical articles for academics and the public.
I continued to learn different styles of acupuncture from other acupuncture experts and have now developed my own acupuncture style, after practising for over 20 years.
I have published two books in three languages that deal with fertility. The first was My Fertility Guide - How to Get Pregnant Naturally, and the second was My Pregnancy Guide - Ensuring a Healthy Pregnancy and Labour.
I have been a called upon for expert opinion by The Telegraph, Men's Fitness, Glamour, My Weekly, Fertility Road, Victoria Health, My Baba, Female First, TRAIN and more.
2. Purpose
I am passionate about acupuncture and Chinese medicine, the awareness it gives me and how I can use that to show people how to improve their health. I use fine needles to make it as painless as possible.
I blend ancient theories of Chinese medicine with modern and alternative medicine to give a deep insight into illness and disharmony within my clinical practice. I then use several complementary medicine treatment strategies to tackle the problem allowing for a quicker recovery.
I believe it's important to explain to people what's going on with them and the disharmony they have, as it empowers them. This allows us to work consciously together to improve health.
I believe that problems can originate from a variety of different sources. I use my awareness and experience in tracing back the origin of a problem and tackling it there, which gives a deep level of treatment.
3. Qualifications
- Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing)
- BSc (Hons) Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Diploma in acupuncture during pregnancy
- Diploma in Dr Tan and Master Tung acupuncture
I was properly trained in China and graduated from the world famous Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a Bachelor of Medicine and from Middlesex University in London with a BSc (Hons) in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
I studied acupuncture and Chinese herbs at Whittington hospital in London and at Zhong Ri hospital and Xi Yuan hospital. It is considered to be the most comprehensive traditional Chinese medicine degree program in Europe.
4. Affiliations
5. Experience
Over the last 22 years, I have seen the effectiveness of acupuncture and have gained extensive experience in treating people for a wide range of complaints ranging from infertility, miscarriage, treating chronic pain, anxiety, depression, digestive problems, skin complaints, stress and other health problems for long term relief.
In my treatments I use a mixture of acupuncture, lifestyle, food therapy, Chinese herbal medicine, cupping threapy and moxibustion.
6. Interview with Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto
Watch an interview with me where I answer commonly asked questions about myself and acupuncture.