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Acupuncture for neck pain

On this page

  1. Overview
  2. Symptoms
  3. Causes
  4. Treatment
  5. Self-care tips
  6. Factsheet

1. Overview

Neck pain is a common problem that can lead to headaches and migraines.

2. Symptoms

Symptoms include a stiff neck, restricted head movement and headaches, which can affect daily life.

3. Causes

Neck and shoulder pain is caused by poor posture, a poor pillow, stress, sleeping badly and by a cold wind. Often people with neck problems will have back problems too.

4. Acupuncture for neck pain

Treatment for chronic neck pain, such as cervical spondylosis in western medicine is the use of strong pain killers, which have side effects.

Acupuncture treatment is very effective in treating neck pain without adverse effects. It relieves muscle tension, which then relieves the neck pain. It does this by stimulating acupuncture points on the neck providing short term pain relief.

Scientific evidence (controlled trials) published in the British medical journal compared the acupuncture group to a control group and proved the people you receive acupuncture had long term relief from neck pain. A study published showed that it helps reduce neck pain and is an effective treatment.

Due to concerns about the safety of acupuncture in the neck, treatment should only be carried out by a medical professional such as myself.

Watch my animated video below, which explains how acupuncture can relieve neck pain.

5. Self-care tips

When the tension has been released, it's important to do physical therapy such as yoga to stretch the neck to further release tension.

6. Neck pain factsheet

For further information, read the acupuncture for neck pain factsheet.