How to reduce high FSH levels in women
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1. Overview
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels can be a problem in both male and female fertility. However, they are often seen in women who try to conceive later in life when FSH levels naturally rise. In women, the high levels are caused by the pituitary gland sending more and more FSH to the follicles as the turn-off switch, which is initiated shortly after ovulation, didn't occur as ovulation didn't take place.
2. Symptoms
High FSH levels can fluctuate with each menstrual cycle. Women with high FSH levels will often have the following symptoms, which are all classical symptoms of a blood deficiency:
- Cold hands and feet
- Poor memory and concentration
- Pale complexion
- Hair loss
- Scanty periods
3. Testing
An FSH test is done at the start of the menstrual cycle, ideally on day 2-3. After this the FSH level increases and the value will be invalid.
4. What is a high FSH level?
What is a high level of FSH varies from country to country, but is generally considered a level higher than 12-14pmol/L or 5-7ng/mL. If the FSH level is higher than this, the ovaries are may not be responding to FSH as well as they should be. If going through IVF treatment, the IVF clinic may cancelled the IVF cycle as the ovaries will have a poor response to the fertility drugs.
Having a high FSH level doesn't necessarily mean you have poor fertility as the FSH level can go down. In the past FSH was considered to determine fertility, but nowadays it is a woman's AMH level.
5. Age
The level of FSH increases with age, see table below.
Age | FSH Level (pmol/L) | FSH Level (ng/mL) |
25-29 | 5-6 | 2-3 |
30-35 | 7-8 | 3-4 |
36-40 | 9-12 | 4-5 |
41-43 | 12-15 | 5-7 |
6. Causes
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is regulated by the pituitary gland under influence from the hypothalamus. It is an important indicator of fertility. FSH stimulates the ovaries to grow and mature multiple follicles, which contain eggs. As one follicle becomes dominant and matures, it releases oestradiol.
The normal level of FSH is between 3.5-12.5pmol/L (1.5-5.5ng/mL) in the follicular phase around day 2-3 of the menstrual cycle. A high FSH means that the egg isn't maturing enough to release oestrogen, which switches off FSH production.
Poor egg quality, a low AMH level and a recent infection such as COVID-19 can cause high FSH levels.
My unique treatment has helped many women reduce their FSH level allowing them to conceive naturally or start IVF.
7. IVF
When undergoing IVF, levels of FSH need to be below 12-15pmol/L, although this level varies from clinic to clinic, with some fertility clinics excepting a level below 15pmol/L. As fertility drugs use FSH, a high level means that the ovaries are less likely to response to the drugs leading to a failed IVF cycle.
8. Treatment of high FSH levels
Research has shown that women who received acupuncture acupuncture had reduced elevated FSH levels. Test results prove it works, one way by increasing blood flow to the uterus. This improves fertility both naturally and during an IVF cycle.
To reduce high FSH levels, I recommend a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbs an optimised diet and lifestyle and specific supplements. I have used this treatment method to reduce FSH levels of 40pmol/L down to within normal range.