Acupuncture for repeated IVF failures
On this page
- Overview
- Symptoms
- Causes
- Treatment
- Self-help book
1. Overview
Repeated IVF failures are reoccurring failed in-vitro fertilisation cycles. They are uncommon. Some IVF clinics consider the first IVF cycle as a try-out, where they test a woman's response to the IVF drugs on an average dose. This protocol is not commonly explained to patients, who often expect the IVF to work first time.
Undergoing an IVF cycle is emotionally, mentally, physically and financially draining. Therefore, I believe that women should be monitored closely, and drug dosages adjusted accordingly, rather than using the first cycle to test a woman's drug response.
2. Symptoms
Repeating failed IVF cycles is very draining on the body. IVF clinics will generally want a woman to wait 3 months for the body's hormones to normalise. However, some clinics are eager to try the following month. This leads many couples to keep on trying again and again without taking time out to recharge their health, which would improve the next cycle.
3. Causes
There are many reasons why IVF cycles fail, including:
For recurrent implantation failure there are about 25 different reasons for this.
4. Acupuncture for repeated IVF failures
There is a large amount of research that shows having acupuncture treatment before and during IVF can increase the chances of the IVF treatment being successful and having a successful pregnancy. Acupuncture has been shown in research to improve blood flow to the uterus and reduce implantation failure. It also regulates immune factors such as natural killer (NK) cells in the uterus lining. Studies have also shown that it can help women produce enough eggs for IVF (antral follicle count). It can even help with donor eggs.
Improving the chances of a successful IVF cycle, can be done by taking Chinese herbs and acupuncture 3-4 months before starting IVF along with an optimised diet and lifestyle.
Because of acupuncture's success in IVF, it should be given to all couples having IVF/ICSI treatment. Dr (TCM) Attilio D'Alberto is a fertility expert.
My animated video explains how my acupuncture treatment can help with repeated IVF failures.
5. My Fertility Guide
Read more on how to improve your fertility and IVF success rates in my self-help fertility book My Fertility Guide. Available in paperback and Kindle.
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