Acupuncture for IVF treatment
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1. Overview
Research has shown that having acupuncture during an IVF cycle can increase the success rates of a positive outoome and pregnancy.
During IVF, it is helpful to receive acupuncture support by a fertility expert such as myself who can guide you through the process. I have helped many people go through IVF and have supported them every step of the way.
2. When should you start having acupuncture before IVF
If you are thinking of going down the IVF route, you should look to prep your body for at least 3 months before starting your IVF cycle. Research has shown that a combination of acupuncture and herbs taken for 3 months prior to starting an IVF cycle significantly increases the pregnancy rate. You may conceive naturally before starting your IVF cycle as acupuncture is very relaxing and can help you fall pregnant naturally.
Research has shown that you should have at least 9 sessions of acupuncture before the embryo transfer.
Unfortunately, most fertility clinics won't suggest that you prep your body before starting IVF. They will normally suggest starting IVF on your next menstrual cycle.
3. When should men start having acupuncture before IVF
Certain acupuncture points have been shown to improve male fertility and improves the chances of the IVF cycle being successful. Research has shown that acupuncture can improve the success rates of IVF.
4. Treatment frequency during IVF
During a long IVF cycle, it's recommended to have acupuncture weekly whilst downregulating until you start the stimulating drugs. It's then important to have acupuncture treatment twice a week during follicle stimulation when the eggs are growing. In a short IVF cycle, you should have acupuncture treatment twice a week when you start the ovary stimulating drugs.
On the day of the embryo transfer, when the fertilised embryo is transferred back into the woman, research has shown its ideal to have acupuncture treatment directly before and after the transfer. That often means twice in one day, or late the previous night if the IVF clinic has booked the embryo transfer first thing in the morning.
5. Research proven benefits
Research has shown that acupuncture can increase blood flow to the uterus, prevent uterus contractions and aid implantation of the embryo into the uterus wall.
6. Treatment during the two week wait
Its recommended to have acupuncture at least twice during the 2 week wait until you take the pregnancy test. This helps with implantation of the embryo into the uterus wall, blood flow to the uterus and any anxiety that a woman may have.
7. Acupuncture in pregnancy
If the pregnancy is via IVF or the couple have had repeated miscarriages after falling pregnant naturally, I recommend having acupuncture treatment until at least 20 weeks. Again, this is the minimum length I would recommend. Having acupuncture throughout the whole pregnancy is ideal. Treatment at my acupuncture clinic can then be restarted at 35 weeks to help prepare the mother for labour.
If the couple experienced repeated IVF failures and have finally fallen pregnant using IVF, or have a low AMH, used a donor embryo or the woman is over the age of 40, I would recommend having acupuncture throughout the whole pregnancy. The woman will be often be weaker and the pregnancy precious, so every effort needs to be utilised to maintain the pregnancy.
8. Explantation video
Watch my animated video below which explains how IVF acupuncture treatment can help increase the success rates of you having a baby.
5. IVF factsheet
For further information, read the acupuncture for IVF factsheet.