How to get pregnant
On this page
- Overview
- Ovulation
- Hormone tests
- Optimising your diet
- Controlling weight
- Prenatal supplements
- Optimising your lifestyle
- Work-life balance
- Exercise
- Medications
- Pollution
- Mind, body & spirit
- Treatment
- Self-help book
1. Overview
There are many things a woman can optimise in her life to increase her chances of getting pregnant. Making as many changes as you can to all aspects of your life will have the biggest impact on getting pregnant.
Firstly, only a woman who is menstruating can get pregnant. Stop taking any birth control medication. You can not get pregnant while on the implant.
2. Watch out for ovulation
It's important to watch and discover the subtle sign and symptoms that your body gives off during your fertile window. For example, there are several symptoms of ovulation, when you're releasing an egg and should be trying to conceive. These include
- Twinges
- Cervical mucus
- Bloating
- Increased appetite
- Increase libido
- Tiredness
- Cravings for sugar
- Lower back pain
Some of these symptoms, such as tiredness, craving for sugar and lower back pain n highlight fertility problems.
3. Have your hormone levels tested
It's very useful to have your fertility hormone levels tested by your doctor or at a private lab and receive medical advice.
Men can also have their semen tested including their sperm count to assess their fertility.
4. Optimise your diet
- Drink no more than two glasses of alcohol a week. Red wine is better for blood. Some people say don't drink any alcohol at all when trying for a baby. I don't agree. Drinking some alcohol a week is good for the body and reduces stress. Of course, when you become pregnant, don't drink any alcohol
- Optimise your diet to include more protein, fish and iron. Eat less gluten and refined sugars
- Stop your caffeine intake, for both men and women
5. Control your weight
It's important to maintain a healthy weight for optimal fertility.
- Don’t diet. Exercise if you need lose body weight. Use the waist-hip ratio to determine if you need to lose weight rather than the body mass index (BMI) score
- You need at least 22% body fat, so don't lose too much weight so to ensure a healthy pregnancy
6. Take a prenatal vitamin
- It's important to take a good quality prenatal supplement that has a broad range of vitamins and minerals including folic acid every day.
7. Optimise your lifestyle
- Don’t have a bath after you ovulate. Have a shower instead as heat around the abdomen can cause an embryo to dislodge from your uterus wall
- Don’t lift anything heavy
- Don’t smoke
- Reduce your use of technology, i.e. cell phones, tablets, laptops as these drain your energy making you weak, which damages your fertility
- Sleep around 10pm and for 7-8 hours. Don't sleep later than 10pm as this weakens you
- Slow down your pace of life. Going too fast uses a lot of energy that could otherwise be used for your fertility
- Wear the right clothes and footwear for the season you are in, for example thermals in winter as this will aid blood flow around your body and therefore the regulation of your fertility hormones
8. Don't work long hours
- Don’t work night shifts as this greatly damages fertility
- Don't work more than 40 hours a week as this too greatly damages fertility
- I advise against taking your basal body temperature every day as this causes stress, which affects your hormones
9. Don't exercise to much
- Exercise 2-3 times a week, but no more as too much exercise damages fertility
- Practice qi gong or yoga
10. Check your medications
Reduce your use of painkillers and SSRIs (always consult with your doctor first) as they damage fertility
11. Reduce your exposure to harmful pollutants
Reduce your exposure to air pollution, chemicals, plastics and heavy metals as they all damage fertility
12. Good fertility is a state of mind
- Be positive and use an affirmation board to visualise your new baby
- Listen to your body. It knows best. Often we are in our minds and not listening to our body, which can mean we don't listen to our body telling us to slow down and take a break
- Practice mindfulness or meditation. This will help reduce anxiety and stress, which greatly impacts on fertility
- Reduce your stress and have fun as this too helps reduce anxiety and stress, thereby improving your fertility
13. How my treatment can help you
Im a fertility expert and author of several self-help books dealing with fertility. My tailor-made acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment plans can increase fertility in both men and women. Read my frequently asked questions about fertility treatments.
Watch the video below to see how acupuncture can help your fertility.
14. My Fertility Guide
Learn more on how to increase male and female fertility by reading my new book, My Fertility Guide. Available on Amazon.