Acupuncture for pregnancy pain
Many women suffer from aches and pains during their pregnancy, this is normal. As the baby grows it presses on surrounding parts of the body, which can be painful. It also causes the uterus and skin to stretch, which can be painful and puts pressure on backs and hips due to the weight.
There are different types of pregnancy pain:
Some women will have a history of pain, for example migraines which prior to pregnancy was treated using medication, but now that they are pregnant, they can no longer take the medication as it can harm the baby.
Common problems experienced in pregnancy include:
- Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)
- Tiredness
- Poor memory and concentration (baby brain)
- Pelvic girdle pain
- Back pain
- Sciatica
Its not advisable to take pain killers whilst pregnant, not even paracetamol as recommended by the NHS, as research has shown that it can affect a male baby's testosterone production causing undescended testicles.
Acupuncture for pregnancy pain
Traditional acupuncture is very safe to have whilst pregnant and it won't harm your baby and relieves pain by regulating qi pronounced "chee". Certain acupuncture points are avoided in pregnancy. The ancient Chinese have used acupuncture for thousands of years to treat many different types of pregnancy problems.
Specific points are used to treat the pregnancy pain but none on the abdomen so it won't harm the baby. Needles are inserted on the legs and buttocks to treat the problem. It's always advisable to have acupuncture from a member of the British Acupuncture Council and one that specialises in fertility.
I specialise in treating women with fertility and pregnancy related problems, such as relieve nausea and induce labor.
Watch my animated video below, which explains how acupuncture can relieve pain in pregnancy.
Martins E. (2018) Acupuncture treatment: multidimensional assessment of low back pain in pregnant women. Rev Esc Enferm USP. 11;52:e03323. doi: 10.1590/S1980-220X2017040303323.