Acupuncture increases pregnancy rates in IVF cycles
The purpose of this study was to determine if there are benefits of standard acupuncture compared to sham acupuncture as an adjunct to IVF. A randomized, controlled, double-blind, crossover pilot trial was performed using a needle-like device (sham acupuncture) as a control.
Approval from GAMC’s Investigational Review Board was acquired. Inclusion criteria were women aged 18 to 42 years with a history of failed IVF cycle(s); day 3 FSH 20 IU/ml; the presence of both ovaries; and a normal uterine cavity.
Exclusion criteria was Kruger morphology 4%. Seventeen subjects were enrolled and seven subjects completed both arms of the study. The mean age was 36.2 years (range 28–41 years).
The mean Day 3 FSH6.8 IU (range 3–13 IU). There were four ongoing pregnancies after the first cycle, equally distributed.
Our study shows a significantly lower amount of gonadotropins used when IVF is combined with standard acupuncture.
A 70% pregnancy rate was also achieved with standard acupuncture and IVF, compared to 25%. Larger prospective trials are necessary.
Quintero et al. (2004) A Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind, Cross-Over Study Evaluating Acupuncture as an Adjunct to IVF. Glendale Adventist Medical Center (GAMC) and the Eastern Center for Complementary Medicine. Fertility & Sterility; Vol. 81, Suppl. 3.