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Acupuncture can induce labour without side effects

A systematic review of the existing scientific evidence on the potential role of acupuncture for induction of labour during pregnancy. Ten studies were identified.

The duration of labour as a result of acupuncture treatment ranged from 10 hours 20 minutes to 29.1 hours.

All of the studies demonstrated labour induction by acupuncture treatment.

However, because two (of the five) randomised controlled trials reported that there was no statistically significant effect of acupuncture, these results are more suggestive than definitive.

The reviewers concluded that, although the definitive role of acupuncture in inducing labour is still yet to be established, the existing studies suggest that acupuncture may be beneficial in labour induction.


Lim et al. (2009) Effect of acupuncture on induction of labor. J Altern Complement Med; 15: 1209-14.


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